How to build your audience personas

Plus, learn why this is important for your business's success.

by Frances Wong

Here's how to make your content both relatable and engaging.

by Nicole Quintana-Wolf
How to build your audience personas
Build your audience personas

Plus, learn why this is important for your business's success.

by Frances Wong
This is the right way to write abandoned cart emails
This is the right way to write abandoned cart emails
by Eduardo Yi

You can build your audience without using social media.

by Karolina Wilde
Take your brand to the next level: should you publish a book?
Take your brand to the next level: should you publish a book?

There are many huge content creators who built their businesses and went on to become published authors. New York Times found that 81% of Americans want to be published authors, so it’s not a surprise that when people get an opportunity to become authors, they take it.

8 marketing emails to send to your list at the end of the year
8 marketing emails to send to your list at the end of the year

Many content creators only consider their email list when it’s time to promote a new product or an online course launch. While email is one of the most effective marketing strategies with an average ROI of $36 for every $1 spent, before you can sell to your…